burglar entering home

10 Surprising home burglary trends in 2024

Published: April 04, 2024 by  Marguerite Cotter

Burglary trends in Ireland to watch out for in 2024

While specific burglary trends can vary based on location and time of year, here are ten surprising home trends that households should take note of:

  1. Nearly half of all burglaries (46%) occur between 5pm and 11pm.

According to information from the Gardai, almost half of all burglaries occur during the hours of 5pm – 11pm. This is particularly evident during Winter months where evenings are darker making it easier for potential burglars to detect vacant homes.

  1. 26% of burglars enter homes through the back door

A surprising number of burglaries involve intruders gaining access through unlocked doors or windows. Homeowners sometimes underestimate the importance of basic security measures, and burglars take advantage of this vulnerability. Back doors can be a common entry point with the Gardai observing that 26% of burglars enter via this entry point. Back doors are often targeted as they aren’t as public as a front door allowing their attempts at entry to go unnoticed. Always lock your doors both front and back when you aren’t home

  1. 24% of burglars enter via back windows and 8% via front windows

Always lock your windows when you aren’t home. Don’t forget when you are home that you do not leave a wide window open where a person could enter without you knowing. Gardai identified that 32% of burglars enter via a front or back door.

burglar entry points

  1. Burglars use social media to target homes

The rise of social media has introduced a new dimension to home burglaries. Criminals may use social media platforms to gather information about homeowners' habits, daily routines, and travel plans, making it easier for them to target vacant homes.

  1. Daytime Burglaries are more common that you think

Surprisingly, a significant number of burglaries occur during daylight hours when homeowners are more likely to be at work or school. Criminals often take advantage of empty homes during the day, assuming residents are away at work.

  1. Burglaries often happen in seconds with most burglars just seeking a quick ‘in and out’

Burglaries are often swift, with intruders spending only a short amount of time inside a home once they gain entry. This trend suggests that burglars aim to minimize the risk of detection and capture, focusing on grabbing easily accessible valuables. Try not to leave any valuables on open display when you leave your home so it does not attract their attention if they are scoping out a home and in the event that they gain entry, then valuables are not easily findable.

  1. €600 is the the average value of goods taken with jewellery and cash the most common objects stolen

Computers, mobile phones, TVs and games consoles are also among the top items stolen. Safeguard your valuables: Never leave car keys, cash, jewellery, or any valuable items openly on display, as this may tempt any burglar in your area. Gardai have found that €600 is the average worth of items stolen during a burglary with cash and jewellery the most common targets.

  1. Burglars may call to home purporting to offer a good or service in an attempt to commit robbery or surveil a property

Some people regularly employ door-to-door traders and repair people who visit homes offering services. Some of these people carry out very little work and charge exorbitant amounts of money for their services. Other times they may just be purporting to offer a service with a view to finding out if there are valuables in a home or if the home is occupied.

  1. There were over 9,545 burglaries nationally recorded in 2023

Since the start of 2023, there have been over 9,545 burglaries, which is far too many and it proves that as homeowners, we still have a lot more work to do. This burglary figure is up 1% vs 2022 according to CSO data.

  1. Homes with a monitored home alarm are less likely to be burgled

Having a monitored home alarm will help keep you protected from burglary 24/7 whether you are at home and away. PhoneWatch’s home security system protects you against burglary but also monitors smoke incidents. Our research indicates that, you're 4 times less likely to be burgled with a PhoneWatch alarm compared to households without an alarm based on the average national burglary rate.



Home burglaries are incredibly intrusive, and the effects of a break-in can last for many months. You can mitigate the chances of enduring a burglary by protecting your home through safety measures, including installing a monitored alarm system. Stay informed about local crime trends and take proactive measures to enhance home security. For an updated burglary report released in July 2024 visit: www.phonewatch.ie/blog/posts-home-burglary-statistics/


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