baby proofing home

New arrival on the way? How to baby proof your home

Published: April 08, 2024 by  Marguerite Cotter

Is your home prepared to keep your children safe? 

As we get further in 2024, many parents and soon to be parents will be busy preparing for the pitter patter of little feet this year. Creating a safe home environment for your new baby and existing children will go a long way to preventing accidents and handling the unexpected.   

As attention focuses on creating the perfect baby room, it’s also important not to lose focus on general home safety and keeping your family protected from all the elements.  

With all of this in mind, here are some quick tips on how to adapt your home to better protect your baby: 

Preparing the nursery 

Set up a safe crib with a firm mattress, fitted sheets, and no soft bedding. Avoid placing stuffed animals or toys in the crib initially. Minimise overheating by dressing your baby in appropriate clothing. It is usually recommended to place your baby on their back to sleep to reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). 

To make life easier, set up a changing table with diapers, wipes, diaper rash cream, and a changing pad. Then set up a drawer to store baby clothes, blankets, and essentials in easy-to-reach storage spaces. 

And don’t forget to create the perfect ambience in the baby room as you both will be spending a lot of time in there in the initial years. Once they reach toddlerhood, you may not have enough time to paint or decorate the room again. Aim for calming colours and decorations. Ensure that any wall hangings or mobiles are securely attached. 

Safely store a first aid and baby bag 

Have a first aid kit on hand and knowing basic first aid procedures will be a massive help with your new baby. Teach any other children in the house how to dial emergency services (911 or your local emergency number) just in case. Prepare a baby bag or items both mother and baby will need during and post-delivery. It ensures you have everything you need to handle emergencies and unexpected situations while on the go with your baby.  

Baby safety equipment as your child grows 

As your baby grows, keep a close eye on young children, especially around water, stairs, and potentially dangerous areas. Choose age-appropriate toys and check for any small parts that could be a choking hazard. Try to baby proof all the main areas that could present a danger to your new bundle of joy.  

As your baby becomes a toddler, they will become very explorative which will put a strong onus on the need for home safety practices. Essentials steps to take here could include: 

  • Securing doors and windows 
  • Use a safety catch for any accessible drawers 
  • Secure medicine and detergents 
  • Install safety gates at the top and bottom of stairs 
  • Cover electrical outlets with safety plugs and try keep cords out of reach 
  • Use corner guards on sharp furniture edges 
  • Anchor heavy furniture like dressers and bookshelves to the wall 
  • Tie up blind and curtain cords to prevent strangulation hazards 
  • Place padding on sharp corners  
  • Use a fireguard to prevent access to the fire 

Keeping an eye on everything 

Security cameras can be a major advantage when you have young children. Not only can they serve as baby monitors, but also give you the freedom to leave your child when they’re old enough for a short while in another room. You can use your mobile phone to keep an eye on what he or she is doing. With PhoneWatch indoor security cameras, 2-way communication is possible from the camera allowing you to speak to your children in the room also.  

Security cameras are also very helpful in later years when you may need to leave your child in the care of a professional child-minder while you’re at work or going about your day-to-day chores. Having cameras installed means you can keep an eye on what’s going on at home. 

Managing deliveries & visitors 

Answering the door to visitors and gathering deliveries can be challenging when you have a newborn or young children.  A doorbell camera could help make life easier by allowing you to see who is at your door before answering. This is particularly useful during naptimes or when you're alone with the baby. It can also minimise disruptions while the baby is asleep. 

The motion sensors on the doorbell camera send alerts to your phone, notifying you of any activity at the front door. This can be crucial for you and your baby's safety. The presence of a visible camera can also deter potential intruders or unwanted visitors. 

Taking fire prevention measures 

It’s important to practice general home safety with a new baby and young children in the home so everyone is best protected. A new baby especially can consume a lot of your attention and requires continual attention, which may lead to accident which could cause a fire like leaving a cooker or fire on. Inspect your home for fire hazards, such as broken wires, damaged appliances, or combustible materials stored improperly.  

A smoke alarm is always a great investment, so any smoke is quickly identified allowing rapid response. Ensure also that fire extinguishers, fire blankets and a fire safety kit are stored in an easily accessible area or where fire incidents are more likely. By taking proactive measures to secure the home, families can create a safer living environment for everyone. PhoneWatch's house alarms also monitors smoke and notifies the alarm receiving centre whenever smoke is detected. 

Making life easier with smart home integrations 

Household automation can help keep your child safe and secure while making life easier for parents. Being able to always check the temperature of the house, means you can immediately understand whether it’s too hot or cold in your baby’s room for him/her to drift off to sleep. With a PhoneWatch smart plug for example, you can remotely manage appliances, turning electrical items like lights off and on without leaving the baby room. 


By taking these precautions and thoroughly child-proofing your home, you create a safer environment for your new arrival and promote their well-being as they explore and grow. Regularly reassess and update safety measures as your child develops new abilities and becomes more mobile. 

From house alarm systems to tailored home security, PhoneWatch create and install alarm systems to match your budget and give you peace of mind. We are trusted by over 118,000 homes in Ireland to keep them safe every day. Get a personalised home security quote today.

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